Latihan Soal Grammar Bahasa Inggris

Latihan Soal Grammar Bahasa Inggris: Past Future Perfect Tense berisi soal-soal grammar dasar yang relevan untuk komunikasi. Sebagaimana diketahui grammar (atau tata bahasa) adalah sistem aturan yang mengatur cara kata dan kalimat disusun dalam suatu bahasa agar menghasilkan komunikasi yang jelas dan bermakna. Dalam bahasa Inggris, grammar mencakup berbagai aspek yang membantu pengguna memahami dan membentuk kalimat yang benar secara struktur.


Grammar adalah dasar untuk memahami bagaimana bahasa bekerja. Dengan pengenalan grammar sejak dini, siswa memiliki dasar yang lebih baik untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berbahasa seperti berbicara, membaca, menulis, dan mendengarkan.


Di tingkat dasar, siswa mulai belajar membuat kalimat sederhana. Grammar membantu mereka menulis dengan struktur yang benar, seperti membedakan antara subjek dan predikat atau memahami penggunaan kata kerja dasar.


Fokus utama pembelajaran bahasa Inggris memang pada komunikasi (listening dan speaking) agar siswa terbiasa mendengar dan menggunakan bahasa secara alami. Grammar yang terlalu teknis dapat membebani siswa dan mengurangi minat mereka untuk belajar. Namun Grammar sangat diperlukan.


Grammar perlu diajarkan di jenjang pendidikan dasar sampai menengah, tetapi dengan pendekatan yang sederhana, kontekstual, dan menyenangkan. Adapun Fokus pada grammar dasar yang relevan untuk komunikasi, seperti penggunaan to be (is, am, are), kata ganti (pronouns), dan kata kerja sederhana.


Berikut ini Latihan Soal Grammar Bahasa Inggris: Past Future Perfect Tense berisi soal-soal grammar dasar yang perlu dikuasai siswa SD SMP dan SMA Sederjat.

Latihan Soal Untuk Past Future Perfect Tense

1. If he had wanted to sell that house, I ...................... it from him

would have buy

would have buying

would have bought

will have bought

would has bought

2. Oscar ...................... to the party alone, if he had let me go with him

would haven't come

would have came

would have coming

wouldn't have come

should have came

3. If you had had much money, ...................... to be your girlfriend?

would have she wanted

would has she wanted

should have she wanted

would she have want

would she have wanted

4. if they had come earlier, I ...................... the house

would haven't left

wouldn't have left

should haven't left

would have leave

would have leaving

5. We would have ...................... in that company if we had passed the interview test before





to work

6. She ...................... a car from her brother, if she had needed it

would has borrowed

would have borrowed

should have borrowed

should has borrowed

will have borrowed

7. If my father had given me much money, I ...................... a gift for my girlfriend

should have buy

would have bought

would has bought

will have bought

shall have bought

8. They ...................... the examination if they had studied harder before

wouldn't has failed

won't have failed

wouldn't have failed

shan't have failed

shouldn't have failed

9. If Paul had slept earlier, he ...................... late

would haven't gotten up

wouldn't have gotten up

shouldn't have gotten up

won't have gotten up

shan't have gotten up

10. ...................... helped me if I had asked her?

would Cindy have

should have Cindy

would have Cindy

will Cindy have

Shall Cindy have

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