One of the basic skills possessed by teachers is the ability in
teaching skills. This ability equips teachers in carrying out their duties
and responsibilities as teachers. The teaching skills are to achieve the
teaching objectives.
The understanding of the teaching skills of teachers is
as the opinion of Armstrong et al (1992: 33) that is the ability to specify the
purpose of performance, the ability to diagnose students, the skills to choose
the strategy of teaching, the ability to interact with students, and skills to
assess the effectiveness of teaching.
The teaching is a complex process, not just convey information
from teachers to students, many activities and actions that must be done,
especially if the desired results of better learning on the students. For that
there are many different meanings of teaching, among others:
According to M.Ali (1987: 12) interpreting teaching is:
"Any deliberate effort in order to give the possibility for students to
the learning process in accordance with the objectives formulated".
Meanwhile, according to Nasution (1995: 4) provides a complete
definition of teaching as follows:
Teaching is instilling
knowledge to the child.
Teaching is
communicating culture to children.
Teaching is an
activity to organize or manage the environment as well as possible and connect
with children so that the learning process occurs.
Based on the above opinion, it can be concluded that the definition
of teaching skills is a skill that is related to all aspects of
teacher ability that is closely related to various tasks of teachers in the
form of skills in order to provide stimulation and motivation to students to
carry out actuitas by the teacher is ketermpilan to guide, Building students in
learning to achieve educational goals that have been determined in an
integrated manner.
As has been known that teaching is a complex and integrative
system of a number of skills to convey a message to someone teaching is said to
be a complex system because in teaching teachers not only provide information
orally to students, but in teaching teachers must be able to create
environmental situations Which allows the child to actively learn, so the
teacher must involve some components and competence of learning and teaching
For more details about some concepts of teaching skills, then
the following will be described from the forms of teaching skills that
must be mastered by teachers in implementing the teaching and learning process
1) Questioning Skills
Asking questions to
students is an activity that can not be separated in teaching and learning
activities, because any method used, any teaching objectives to be achieved,
then ask the students is something that can not be left behind.Because the
question posed to the students basically aims to make students more improve
learning and thinking about the subject being studied.
Piet A. Sahertian and
Ida Alaeida Sahertian (1992: 100) concluded that the questioning skill is a
skill that contains verbal speech that required a response from a known person.
While the response in
question is to be knowledge up to the results of consideration. So it can
be inferred to ask is an effective stimulus that encourages the ability to
think. A teacher who asks questions using appropriate questioning skills
has several objectives including:
- Generating students' interest
and curiosity on a subject.
- Concentrate students on a
- Diagnose specific difficulties
that lead students to learn.
- Developing active student
- Provide an opportunity for
students to assimilate information.
- Encourage students to express
their views in the discussion.
- Test and measure student learning outcomes.
In an effort to
achieve the above objectives, there are some things that get the teacher's
attention when using basic ask skills as well as advanced ask skills eg warmth
and enthusiasm, repeating his own questions, answering his own questions,
specifying a particular student to answer, multiple questions.
Skills are
distinguished from basic ask skills and follow-up skills, basic inquiring
skills need to be applied in asking all kinds of questions, whereas advanced
ask skills is a continuation of basic asking skills that prioritize developing
students' thinking skills, enlarging participation and encouraging students to
take initiative .
So it can be concluded
that a teacher should be able to distinguish between basic questions of ask and
advanced questioning skills, because they have a link in testing students
against the lessons that have been delivered in the classroom in the learning
According to Piet A.
Sahertian and Ida Alaeida Sahertian (1992: 100) suggests a skill component to
a) Basic skills
- Disclosure of questions is
clear and concise
- Giving references
- Turn shift
- Spreading questions
- Giving time thinking
- Centering towards the requested
b) Advanced skills
- Change the cognitive level
question guide
- The order of the questions must
be a logical sequence
- Track
- Skills encourage interaction
among students.
on the description above, it is clear that the mastery of questions for
teachers is very important, because with the use of effective and efficient questioning
skills in the learning process is expected to change attitudes in teachers and
students, such as changes in teachers, providing information, using many
interactions, on Students listen to more information and become more
2) Strengthening skills
In the process of
learning to teach, appreciation or praise of the good deeds of students is a
very necessary, so with the award or praise is expected students will continue
to try to do better.
Soetomo (1993: 95)
concludes that what is meant by giving reinforcement is: "A positive
response from the teacher to the child who has done a good deed".
As it is known that a
positive appreciation of a person will improve his behavior and improve his
business. Therefore, strengthening of students and all activities are
needed in order to grow and develop the learning process. Giving
reinforcement in teaching activities seems simple, among other things expressed
in the form of words justify, words of praise, smile or nod, while the
provision of reinforcement in the classroom will encourage students to increase
their business in teaching and learning activities and develop learning
According to Piet A.
Sahertian and Ida Alaeida Sahertian (1992: 100) Giving reinforcement in
teaching and learning process has goals include:
- Increase student attention.
- Facilitate the learning
- Generating and maintaining
- Controlling and changing
disruptive attitudes towards productive behavioral attitudes.
- Set yourself a good way of
thinking and personal initiative.
Given the very
importance of the role of empowerment in teaching and learning process, it is
necessary that teachers train themselves regularly and directed about the
skills of reinforcement consists of several components that need to be
understood and mastered its use by the teacher so that he can provide wise and
systematic strengthening of the component is as follows :
a) Verbal
Usually used or spoken
by using words of praise, appreciation, approval, etc., such as good,
excellent, true, clever, a hundred for you.
b) Non verbal
- Strengthening gestures, such as
a nod of the head, a smile, thumbs up, a bright face, a cool, friendly or
sharply challenging eye.
- Strengthening approach:
teachers approach students to express their concern and pleasure to the
lessons, behavior, or performance of the students eg teachers standing
beside students, toward students, sitting with students or groups of
- Reinforcement by touch, the
teacher can express approval and appreciation of the student's performance
effort by patting the shoulder or shaking hands raising the hand of the
winning student in the match.
- Strengthening with fun
activities, teachers can use activities or tasks that students enjoy as a
reinforcement. For example students who show progress in music lessons
are appointed as choir leaders.
- Reinforcement in the form of
symbols or objects. Reinforcement is done by using as a symbol of
pictorial card objects, written comments on students, plastic stars,
- If the student gives a partially correct answer, the teacher should not blame the student. In these circumstances let the teacher give full reinforcement for example: yes, your answer is good but still needs to be refined.
3) Skill of performing variation
Giving variation in
teaching and learning process is important and must be paid attention by
teacher, because more and more teacher give variation in teaching process hence
more succulence of teaching. Conversely, teachers who continue to teach by
giving lectures from beginning to end will cause boredom to students.
Soetomo (1993: 100)
suggests that giving variations in teaching and learning process is defined as
a change of teaching from one to another, in order to eliminate the boredom and
saturation of the students in receiving the lesson material given by the
teacher. So that students can be active again and participate in learning.
Meanwhile, according
to piet A. Sahertian and Ida Alaeida Sahertian (1992: 103) concluded that:
using variation is the change of teachers in the context of teaching and
learning process that aims to overcome the boredom of students, so there is a
sense of perseverance, enthusiasm, and play an active role.
From the definition of
giving the variation proposed by the two experts it can be concluded that the
provision of variation that means a teacher activity in the context of teaching
and learning process that aims to overcome the boredom of students, so that in
teaching and learning situation students who aim to overcome student boredom,
senantisa show persistence, Enthusiasm, and full participation. Boredom is
an ever-present problem and people are always trying to eliminate or at least
try to reduce it. Therefore, the student wants a variation in the learning
process, so learning itself is more interesting and more alive. Thus more
able to focus their attention, and learn more successfully.
According Soetomo
(1993: 95) Provision of appropriate variations in teaching and learning process
will be able to provide benefits for students are:
- To generate and increase
students' attention to the relevant aspects of teaching and learning
- To provide opportunities for
the development of talents want to know to investigate the students about
the things that are new.
- To foster positive behavior
toward teachers and schools with a more lively way of teaching and a
better learning environment.
- To provide opportunities for
students to get a way to receive a favorite lesson.
With this goal. A
teacher should organize variations in teaching and learning, be they variations
in teaching styles, variations in patterns of interaction and student
The following will
describe the components of the skill of performing variations:
a) Variations in
teaching styles, including:
- Variation of sound, loud weak
- Concentration of student
- Silence or silence of the
- Contact view
- Motion and mimic
- Teacher position change
b) Variations in media
usage and instructional materials, including:
- Media and audible materials
such as sound recordings, radio, music, sociodrama.
- Variations of visible tools or
materials such as charts, charts, posters, movie diodrama, slides.
- Variations of tactile,
manipulated and driven tools or materials such as dolls, masks, pockets.
- Variations of audible and
palpable tools or materials, such as television, radio, projector slide
with new explanations.
c) Variations in
patterns of student interaction and activities
Changes in interaction
between the two poles before will result in patterns of activities undertaken
by students.
Uzer Usman (1990: 85)
suggests the following types of interaction patterns:
1) Student pattern of
teacher or communication as action (one way)
2) Teacher-pupil pattern (There is a feedback (feed back) for
teachers there is no interaction between students (communication as
3) Teacher-teacher-pupil pattern (There is feedback for
teachers, students learn from each other)
4) Teacher-student pattern, student-teacher, pupil (optimal
interaction between teacher and student and between pupil and student
(communication as transaction, multiarah)
5) Circular Pattern (Each student gets a turn to express remarks
or answers, not allowed to speak twice if the student has not got a turn)
The use of such
interaction pattern variation in order not to cause boredom, joviality, and to
revive the classroom atmosphere for the success of students in achieving goals. By
changing this pattern of interaction the teacher by itself alters student
learning, teacher dominance and student involvement, cognitive level demands,
and classroom order.
4) Explaining Skills
Activities explained
in the teaching and learning process is an absolute activity undertaken by the
teacher, because whatever is conveyed, whatever type of school, and however
delivered, whatever type of school, and whatever the age level of the student,
the explaining activities should always be implemented by the teacher, it's
just the way Its delivery and its different qualities see all the above
components and adjust to the situation at that time.
Uzer Usman (1990: 81)
suggests that the skill of explaining is the orally organized presentation of
information that is organized systematically to indicate the existence of
relationships with one another, for example between cause and effect,
definition by example or with something unknown.
Thus it can be
concluded that the activities explain the existence of a presentation of
information orally organized in a systematic manner that shows the relationship
that must be mastered by teachers effectively and efficiently so that the
learning process can run smoothly.
There are several
goals that teachers want to achieve in explaining in the classroom:
- To guide students to understand
the law clearly answers the "why" question they presented or
presented by the teacher.
- Help students gain and
understand laws, theorems, and general principles objectively and
- Involve students to think by
solving problems or questions.
- To get feedback from students
about their level of understanding and to overcome their misconceptions.
- Help students to live and gain the process of reasoning and the use of evidence in perpetuating dubious circumstances.
Giving an explanation
is one of the most important aspects of teacher activity in interaction with
classroom students. Therefore, this must be addressed to improve its
effectiveness in order to achieve optimal results from the teacher's
explanation and discussion so that it is meaningful for the students. Thus
a teacher must know the skill component of explaining that is:
a) Planning,
explanation should be given by using language that is easily understood by the
b) Present an
explanation. Noteworthy:
- Clarity: The explanation should
be given in a language that is easily understood by the student.
- The use of examples and
illustrations: in explaining should be used examples that have something
to do with something that can be encountered by students in everyday life.
- Giving emphasis: teachers
should focus students' attention on key issues that diminish less
important information.
Use of feedback:
teachers should give students an opportunity to show understanding, doubt, or
lack of understanding when the explanation is given.
5) Opening and Closing Skills Lessons
1. Opening lesson
Opening lessons is an
activity undertaken by teachers in teaching and learning process to create an
atmosphere that makes students mentally ready and cause students attention
focused on the things that will be learned so that the business will be
positively affected the activities and student learning outcomes.
In other words opening
lessons is an effort or activity undertaken by teachers in teaching and
learning activities to create pre conditions for students to mentally and
attention focused on what will be learned so that the business will have a
positive effect on learning activities.
The opening of such a
lesson should not only be done at the beginning of the lesson but also at the
beginning of each activity break from the core lessons given during the lesson. So
students are expected to be encouraged to follow the subject matter to be
Uzer Usman (1990: 85)
describes the skills component of opening lessons as follows:
a) Attract students
attention, among others by:
- Teacher's teaching style
- Use of lesson aids
- Interaction patterns vary
b) Increase
motivation by:
- Warmth and enthusiasm
- Cultivate curiosity
- Bring out conflicting ideas
- Pay attention to student
c) Giving
reference through various efforts:
- Suggests the goals and task
- Suggest steps to be taken
- Reminds the key issues to be
- Make inquiries
d) Making connections
among the materials to be studied with experiences and knowledge that have been
mastered by students.
Of the various things
done above with the aim that children can focus on the material to be submitted
by the teacher and was ready to receive the material.
2. Closing lessons
Closing the lesson
according to Soetomo (1993: 107) is "the teacher's activity to end the
teaching and learning process". So closing the lesson is intended to
provide a comprehensive picture of what students have achieved and the success
of teachers in the learning process.
While the components
of closing the lessons of teachers according to Uzer Usman (1990: 85) are:
a) Review the mastery
of the core of the lesson by summarizing the core of the lesson and making a
b) Evaluating, in the
form of:
- Demonstrate skill
- Apply new ideas to other
- Explore new ideas in other
- Provide written questions
Thus the activities of
opening and closing the lessons do not include sequences of routine activities,
such as disciplining students, filling out attendance lists, assigning
homework, should the center of attention in opening and closing lessons are
activities that are directly related to the delivery of lessons. While the
ultimate goal of opening a lesson is to mentally prepare students and generate
interest and attention concerning students on what will be discussed in the
learning process invites, and closing lessons in order to know the success rate
in learning the lesson.
6) Small Group Discussion Skills
Group discussion
according to Uzer Usman (1990: 86) is an orderly process that involves a group
of people in informal face-to-face interaction with experience or information,
conclusions, or problem solving.
In other words group
discussion is one strategy that allows students to master a concept or solve a
problem through a process that provides opportunities for thinking, social
interaction, and practice a positive attitude. Understanding group
discussions in teaching and learning activities is not much different from the
above understanding. Students discuss in small groups, under the
leadership of teachers or friends, for various information and make a decision.
The skills component
to guide the discussion presented by Uzer Usman (1990: 87) are:
Focusing students' attention on the purpose and topic of discussion, the way is
as follows:
- The
formulation of objectives and topics to be discussed at the beginning of
the discussion.
- Bring
up special issues
- Record
changes or distortions of discussions of purpose
- Summarize
the results of the discussion in the discussion
Clarify the problem or descendants of opinion, by:
- Reselamble or re-summarize it
until it becomes clear
- Request student comments and
ask questions
- Describe students' ideas by
providing information
Analyze students' views
- Examine whether the reasons
have a solid basis and clarify the agreed points
Increase student offspring
- Ask questions, give examples
- Giving time thinking and
providing support
Closes the discussion
- Summarizes the results of the
- Gives a description of the
- Invite students to assess the
process of discussion results
7) Manage Classroom Skills
In the process of
teaching and learning in the classroom is necessary once the creation of an
environment that allows children to learn quietly without any interference, so
that the goals set can be achieved
The skills of managing
the classroom are the skills of the teacher to create and maintain optimal
learning conditions, and skills to restore optimal learning conditions, in the
event of minor and temporary disturbances as well as ongoing disturbances.
Under these conditions
it can be concluded that the skills of managing the class are activities to
create and maintain optimal conditions for the learning process.Referred to in
this case is for example the cessation of student behavior that distorts class
attention, rewards for timeliness of task completion by students, or the
determination of productive group norms.
According Syaiful
Bakri Djamarah (1991: 112) classroom management skills include:
- Demonstrate responsiveness; Looking
closely at the motion of approaching, asking questions, and reacting to
student distractions and disorder.
- Give attention, visually,
verbally and combined verbally and visually.
- Focus group attention; Alert
students and demand responsibility.
- Rebellious; Firm and
clear, do not be rude, painful and insulting, avoiding taunts and so on.
- Provide clear instructions
- Provide reinforcement.
8) Teaching Skills for Small Groups and Individuals
Physically marking
this form of teaching is the number of students faced by teachers ranging from
3-8 people to small groups, and to a single person. This does not mean
that the teacher faces only one group or a student over time.Teachers face many
students who are composed of several groups that can meet face-to-face both
individually and in groups. While the essence of this teaching is:
- The occurrence of interpersonal
relationships between teachers with students and also students with
- Students learn according to
their speed and ability
- Students get help from teachers
according to their learning needs
Components of skills
in teaching small groups and individuals according to Piet Sahertian and Ida
Alaeida Sahertian (1992: 105) are:
- Personal approach skills show
warmth, response, readiness to help students, listen sympathetically
- Organizing skills
- Guiding skills and facilitate
- Skills to plan and implement
teaching and learning activities.
Teaching skills of
small groups and individuals is an essential requirement for any teacher who
wishes to improve his or her professional skills. Individual teaching is a
way of learning that can meet the needs of the optimal, as well as provide
greater learning responsibility to students.
C. Teacher Skills
Factors In Teaching and Learning Process
The teaching and learning process is an aspect of an organized school
environment. This environment is regulated and supervised so that learning
activities are directed towards educational goals. The supervision of the
environment also determines the extent to which a good learning environment. A
good learning environment is a challenging environment and stimulates students
to learn to provide a sense of security and satisfaction and to achieve the
expected goals.
The quality and quantity of student learning in the learning
process depends on many factors including students in the classroom, learning
materials, learning supplies, conditions and atmosphere in the learning
According to A. Tabrani Rusyan (1990: 82), other important
factors in the learning process that must be implemented by teachers, include:
- Instructional planning
- Organizational learning
- Mobilize learners
- Supervision
- Research.
Amstrong. 1992.
Supervisi Pengajaran, Jakarta, Rineka Cipta.
M. Ali. 1987. Guru
Dalam Proses belajar Mengajar, Bandung, Sinar Baru Algesindo.
S. Nasution. 1995.
Didaktik Asas-asas Mengajar. Jakarta, Bumi Aksara.
Piet Sahertian, Ida
Alaeida Sahertian. 1992.Supervisi Pendidikan Dalam Rangka Program Inservice
Education. Jakarta, Rineka Cipta.
Soetomo. 1993.
Dasar-dasar Interaksi Belajar Mengajar, Surabaya, Usaha Nasional.
Moh. Uzer Usman. 1990.
Menjadi Guru Profesional, Bandung, Remaja Rosdakarya.
Syaiful Bahri
Dajamarah.1991. Prestasi Belajar dan Kompetensi Guru, Syrabaya, Usaha Nasional.
A. Tabrani Rusyan dkk.
1990. Pendekatan Dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar, Jakarta, Remaja Karya.
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