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A. Understanding of
Learning Outcomes
problem of learning is a problem for every human being, by learning people
acquire the skills, skills so that attitude is formed and science increases. So
the learning result is a tangible result achieved by the students in the effort
to master the physical and spiritual skills in school which is manifested in
the form of report cards in each semester.
know the progress to where the results have been achieved by someone in
learning, it must be evaluated. To determine the progress achieved then there
must be a criterion (benchmark) that refers to the objectives that have been
determined so it can be known how much influence of teaching and learning
strategies to the success of student learning.
is the definition of learning outcomes? Definition Student learning outcomes
according to W. Winkel (1989) is the success achieved by students, namely
student achievement in school that manifests in the form of numbers. However,
this definition is not appropriate because the results of current study can be
given in the form of description, uaraian or explanation.
the definition of learning outcomes by Winarno Surakhmad (1980) is the result
of repetition, examination or test. The purpose of the repetition is to obtain
an index in determining student success.
the above definition, it can be concluded that the results of learning is the
result of learning achieved by students in the process of teaching and learning
activities are given in the form of numbers and qualitative and mencerimkan the
existence of a change and the formation of a person's behavior.
state that a learning process can be said to be successful, every teacher has
their respective views in line with his philosophy. But to equate perceptions
we should be guided by the current curriculum that has been refined, among
others, that a teaching and learning process of a learning material is declared
successful if the purpose of learning in particular can be achieved.
find out whether or not a particular learning objective is achievable, teachers
need to conduct formative tests on each presenting a discussion to the
students. Formative assessment is to determine the extent to which students
have mastered the specific learning objectives to be achieved. The function of
this study is to provide feedback to teachers in order to improve teaching and
learning process and implement remedial programs for students who have not
succeeded. Therefore, a teaching and learning process is successful if the
result meets the specific learning objectives of the material.
B. Indicators of
Student Learning Results
main indicators of student learning outcomes are as follows:
Achievement of the Absorbability of learning materials taught, either
individually or in groups. This measurement of absorptive capacity is usually
done by determining the Minimum Exhaustiveness Criteria.
The behaviors outlined in the learning objectives have been achieved by
students, either individually or in groups.
according to Syaiful Bahri Djamarah and Aswan Zain (in the 2002 Teachers
Learning Strategy: 120) the most widely used indicator as a benchmark for
success is absorption.
C. Factors Affecting
Student Learning Outcomes
outcomes can be influenced by many things. In general Learning outcomes are
influenced by 3 things or factors Factors I will describe below, namely:
internal factors (factor in self)
External factors (factors outside the self)
Factors learning approach
1) Internal factors
factors that affect the first learning outcomes are physiological Aspects. To
obtain results Good learning outcomes, body fitness and condition of the five
senses need to be maintained by way of: nutritious food / drinks, rest,
exercise. Certainly many cases of children whose achievements go down because
they are not physically fit.
internal factor is the psychological aspect. These psychological aspects
include: intelligence, attitude, talent, interests, motivation and personality.
This psychological factor is also a powerful factor of learning outcomes,
intelligence can indeed be developed, but attitude, interest, motivation and
personality are strongly influenced by our own psychological factors.
Therefore, strive to continue to get a supply of motivation from the
surrounding environment, strengthen the determination and establish a stance
for a brighter future. Take pride.
2) External factors
addition to internal factors, learning outcomes are also influenced by external
factors. External factors include several things, namely:
The social environment, including: friends, teachers, family and society.
social environment is the environment in which a person socializes, meets and
interacts with the people around him. The first thing that matters from the
social environment is friendship, where a friend is a source of motivation as
well as a source of decline in achievement. The position of friends is very
important, they are so close to us, and the behavior that they do will affect
us. If you already have a weak friendship environment will be motivation to
learn, as much as possible point your friends to learn. At least in that way
the fetus can position itself as a learner.
is a very related to learning outcomes. The quality of teachers in the
classroom, can affect how we learn and how our interests awaken in the
classroom. Indeed, in fact many students feel that their teachers are not
motivating learners, or may be a monotonous learning environment. This affects
the learning process.
also a factor that affects a person's learning outcomes. Usually a person with
a broken home state has low motivation for achievement, his life is too focused
on the endless conflict of kinship. Therefore, for parents, make your family
home heaven, because if not, your newborn child for a few years, do not have
the concept of solving strong inner conflicts, they can be stressful to see
your behavior o parents who like to quarrel, And the stress was brought into
the classroom.
latter is society, for example a living in the academic community they will
retain their prestige in academic terms in front of their society. So the
community environment affects the mindset of a person to achieve. Society also,
with all its social activities mepengaruhi someone action, as well as also
affect the students and students.
Non-social environment, including: home, school, equipment, nature (weather)
conditions. Non-social such as the thing the house's (physically), whether
neat, clean, safe, controlled from the disruption that decreases learning
outcomes. Schools also influence learning outcomes, from my experience, when
smart kids enter the school mediocre, their achievements can outperform other
friends. But, when juxtaposed with the achievements of friends who have the
same quality when graduated, and he entered the school favorite and quality,
the achievements are ordinary. This means that the school environment is
influential. Natural cuala, affect the learning outcomes.
D. Assessment of
Learning Outcomes
Syaiful Bahri Djamarah and Aswan Zain to measure and evaluate student learning
outcomes can be done through the test of learning achievement. Based on the
objectives and the scope, the achievement test can be classified into the
following types of assessment:
Formative Tests, these assessments can measure one or more specific subjects
and objectives to obtain a picture of students' absorption of the subject. The
results of this test are used to improve the teaching and learning process
within a certain time.
Subsumative Test, this test covers a number of specific teaching materials that
have been taught in a certain time. The goal is to obtain a picture of
students' absorptive capacity to improve the level of student achievement or
learning outcomes. The results of this subsumative test are used to improve the
teaching and learning process and are taken into account in determining the
value of the report card.
Sumatif test, this test is held to measure students' absorption of the subject
matter that has been taught for one semester, one or two lesson materials. The
goal is to establish tarap or level of student learning success in a particular
learning period. The results of this summative test are used for class
increase, ranking (rank) or as a measure of school quality.
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