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Definition of
Learning Achievement
Achievement can not be separated from learning activities, because learning is
a process, while learning achievement is the result of the learning process.
For a child learning is an obligation. Success or failure of a child in
education depends on the learning process experienced by the child.
is the result someone has achieved in doing the activity. Gagne (1985: 40)
states that Achievement Learning is divided into five aspects, namely:
intellectual ability, cognitive strategies, verbal information, attitudes and
skills. According to Bloom in Suharsimi Arikunto (1990: 110) that learning
outcomes can be divided into three aspects, namely cognitive, affective and
is the result of an activity that has been done, created both individually and
in groups (Djamarah, 1994: 19).
word achievement comes from the Dutch "Prestasic" which means the
result of effort. In a large dictionary Bahasa Indonesia Learning Achievement
is defined as the result of the assessment obtained from cognitive schooling
activities and is usually determined through measurement and assessment.
to Wikipedia, Achievement comes from the Dutch language which means the result
of the effort. Achievements are derived from the business that has been done.
From the definition of Achievement, then understanding Self-achievement is the
result of the effort made by someone. Achievement can be achieved by relying on
intellectual, emotional, and spiritual ability, as well as self-defense in
facing the situation of all aspects of life. The character of the Achievers is
to love the job, to have the initiative and to be creative, to never give up,
and to carry out the task in earnest. The characters show that to achieve a
certain Achievement,
is the result someone has achieved in doing the activity. Gagne (1985: 40)
states that Achievement Learning is divided into five aspects, namely:
intellectual ability, cognitive strategies, verbal information, attitudes and
skills. According to Bloom in Suharsimi Arikunto (1990: 110) that learning
outcomes can be divided into three aspects, namely cognitive, affective and
are skills or concrete results that can be achieved at a given time or period.
Based on that opinion, Achievement in this research is result which have been
achieved by student in learning process.
Definition of
is a mental activity or (Psikhis) that occurs because of the active interaction
between ndividu with the environment that produces changes that are relativ
fixed in aspects: cognitive, psychomotor and affective. The change may change
something entirely new or improvements / improvements from learning results
that have been obtained previously.
understand about the meaning of learning here will begin by presenting some
definitions of learning. There are some experts opinions about the definition
of learning. According to Slavin in Catharina Tri Anni (2004), learning is a
process of acquiring abilities derived from experience. According to Gagne in
Catharina Tri Anni (2004), learning is a system in which there are various
interrelated elements that result in behavioral changes.
Harold Spears and Geoch in Sardiman A.M (2005: 20) as follows:
1) Cronbach gives the definition: "Learning is shown
by a change in behavior as a result of experience." "Learning is
showing changes in behavior as a result of experience".
2) Harold Spears provides the limits: "Learning is
to observe, read, initiate, try something by yourself, listen, follow
directions / directives .
3) Geoch, says: "Learning is a change in performance
as a result of practice". Learning is a change in appearance as a result
of practice.
according to Bell-Gredler in Udin S. Winataputra (2008) understanding of
learning is a process undertaken by humans to gain a variety of competencies,
skills, and attitude. The competencies, skills, and attitudes are gradually and
sustainably from infancy to old age through a series of lifelong learning
is an activity that happens to everyone with no age limit, and runs a lifetime
(long live educational). Learning is an effort that a person undertakes through
interaction with his environment to change his behavior. Thus the result of
learning activities is in the form of changes in behavior that is relatively
permanent in the person who is learning, the change is expected is a change in
positive behavior.
can be defined as a process in which an activity originates or changes through
the reaction of a given situation, with the fact that the characteristic of the
allegorical nature of the activity change can not be explained on the basis of
the trends of the original reaction, maturity, or temporary change of the
organism. (Hilgard & Bower, 1996: 2, in Jogiyanto, 2006: 12).
some understanding / definition above can be concluded that learning is always
a change of behavior or appearance, with a series of activities for example by
reading, observing, listening, imitating and so forth. Also learn it would be
better if the subject studied it experienced or did it, so it is not
verbalistic. Learning as an individual activity is actually the individual
stimuli sent to it by the environment. Thus the occurrence of learning
activities undertaken by an individual can be explained by the formula between
individuals and the environment.
to Udin S. Winataputra (1995: 2) argued that learning (learning) contains a
sense of change process that is relatively fixed in the behavior of individuals
as a result of experience. Understanding of learning is also put forward by
Slameto (2003: 2) ie learning is a process of business undertaken by a person
to obtain a new change of behavior as a whole, as a result of his own
experience in interaction with the environment.
harmony with the above opinions, the Judge (2000: 1) argues that learning is a
process of change in the human personality, and the change is expressed in
terms of improving the quality and quantity of behaviors such as the
improvement of skills, knowledge, attitudes, , Skills, thinking power, etc.
This means that improving the quality and quantity of one's behavior is shown
in terms of an increase in the quality and quantity of one's ability in various
fields. In the process of learning, if a person does not get an improvement in
the quality and quantity of ability, then the person actually has not
experienced the learning process or in other words he experienced a failure in
the learning process.
Definition of
Learning Achievement
educator would really expect his students to achieve as optimal as possible on
both academic and non academic tracks. Achievements have a very broad
understanding. If the learner can achieve the goal or at least be able to
complete the task of the teacher and others then he is called achievers.
achievement means a lot of how far the results that have been achieved by
students in the mastery of tasks or subject matter received within a certain
time. Learning Achievement is generally expressed in numbers or letters so that
it can be compared with one criterion (Prakosa, 1991).
Achievement is the result achieved from what has been done / done (Dictionary
of Indonesian Language, 2003: 895), while according to Tu'u (2004: 75) learning
achievement is the mastery of knowledge or skills developed by the subjects,
usually shown With the value of the test or the grade given by the teacher.
According Sukmadinata (2003: 101), "Learning Achievement is the
realization or expansion of potential skills or capacity possessed by
Learning ability of a high achievement in thinking. Achievement Learning should
have three aspects, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Learning
Achievement is the best achieved outcome in a child in either a working
education or a scientific field. Achievement Learning from students is a result
that has been achieved by students who obtained from the learning process.
Learning Achievement is the result of maximum achievement according to the
ability of the child at a certain time to something done, studied, understood
and applied.
(1996: 226) suggests that Achievement Learning is a proof of success that has
been achieved by someone. So Learning Achievement is the maximum result
achieved by someone after carrying out the learning efforts. Meanwhile,
according to Arif Gunarso (1993: 77) argued that Learning Achievement is the
maximum effort achieved by someone after carrying out the efforts to learn.
Learning in the field of education is the result of measurements to learners
that include cognitive, affective and psychomotor factors after following the
learning process measured by using test instruments or relevant instruments. So
Learning Achievement is the measurement result of the learning business
assessment expressed in the form of symbols, letters and sentences that tell
the results that have been achieved by each child in a certain period. Learning
Achievement is the result of measurement to learners covering cognitive,
affective and psychomotor factors after following the learning process measured
by using the relevant test instrument.
Achievements can be measured through tests that are often known as the Learning
Achievement test. According Saifudin Anwar (2005: 8-9) suggests about
achievement test Learning when viewed from the goal is to reveal the success of
someone in learning. Testing essentially explores the information that can be
used as a basis for decision making. The Learning Achievement Test is a
well-crafted test to reveal the maximum performance of the subject in mastering
the materials or materials that have been taught. In the formal educational
activities of achievement test can be in the form of daily test, formative
test, summative test, even ebtanas and college entrance examinations.
Understanding Learning Achievement is something that can be achieved or can not
be achieved. To achieve a Learning Achievement students must experience the
learning process. In implementing the learning process students will gain
knowledge, experience, and skills.
(in Yulita, 2008) says that someone who has tried to achieve his goal and
succeed, then the person is declared achievement. Maryanto further states that
someone is stated achievement if able to provide something best for others,
able to do things well in everything, make dreams come true and able to stop
bad habits.
learning achievement is the actual skill or result obtained by the student
after doing the learning activity at certain period (Nurkancana, in Sukiaiyana
Purwadarminto (in Yulita, 2008) learning achievement is the best achieved
results according to the ability of children at certain times of things done or
Learning Achievement is the result that a person achieves in the revelation of
knowledge and skills developed in the lesson, typically indicated by a score
test scores given by the teacher (Asmara, 2009: 11).
to Hetika (2008: 23), Learning Achievement is the achievement or skill that is
expressed in the expertise or knowledge collection. While Harjati (2008: 43),
states that Achievement is the result of efforts undertaken dam resulting in
changes expressed in the form of symbols to indicate the ability of achievement
in the work within a certain time.
to Sutratinah Tirtonegoro (1984: 4), suggests that: Learning Achievement is an
assessment of learning activity results expressed in the form of symbols of
numbers, letters and sentences that can reflect the results achieved by each
student within a certain period.
et al (1980: 4), says "Learning Achievement is a person's ability as a
result of learning." Dewa Ketut Sukardi (1983: 51), states "To
measure Learning Achievement using achievement test as a tool to reveal actual
ability as a result of learning or Learning. "According to Sumadi
Suryabrata (1987: 324)," Value is the final formulation that can be given
by the teacher on the progress or Achievement of Student Learning during a
certain period. "With the value of report cards, we can know Student
Achievement Students. High achievement, while the bad value is said to be low
Learning Achievement.
learning can help students to improve their expected abilities according to the
instructional goals they wish to achieve. To improve the achievement of good
learning needs to be considered internal and external conditions. Internal
conditions are the conditions or situations that exist in students, such as
health, skills, ability and the like. External conditions are conditions that
exist outside of the human self, such as a clean study, adequate facilities and
learning infrastructure.
knowledge, experience and skills acquired will shape the student's personality,
broaden the student's personality, broaden life's horizons and improve
student's abilities. Starting from that then the students who actively carry
out activities in learning will gain a lot of experience. Thus, students who
are active in learning will experience a lot and their Learning Achievement
increases. Conversely, students who are not active will be minimal / a little
experience so that it can be said Learning Achievement does not increase or not
of Learning Achievement. Learning Achievement is defined as the level of
student interconnection in the learning process as a result of the evaluation
conducted by the teacher. According to Sutratinah Tirtonegoro (1984: 4),
suggests that: Learning Achievement is an assessment of learning activity
results expressed in the form of symbols of numbers, letters and sentences that
can reflect the results achieved by each student within a certain period.
to Siti Partini (1980: 49), "Learning Achievement is a result achieved by
a person in learning activities". In line with the opinions achieved by
someone in the learning activities ". In line with that opinion Sunarya
(1983: 4) states "Learning Achievement is a behavioral change that
includes the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains that are measures of
student success". Haditomo et al (1980: 4), said, "Learning
Achievement is the ability of Dewa Ketut Sukardi (1983: 51), states" To
measure Learning Achievement using Achievement test as a tool to reveal actual
ability as learning result or learning ". According to Sumadi Suryabrata
(1987: 324), "Value is the final formulation that can be given by the
teacher on the progress or achievement of student learning during a certain
period". With the value of report card, we can know Student Achievement.
Students who have good grades are said to have high Achievement, whereas the
bad value is said Low Learning Achievement.
some opinions above it can be concluded that Learning Achievement is the
achievable achievement of students visible from the knowledge, attitude, and
expertise it has.
Factors Affecting
Learning Achievement
activity undertaken by someone of course there are factors that influence it,
both tend to encourage and inhibit. Likewise experienced in learning. Ahmadi,
(in Yulita, 2008) states there are several factors that affect student
achievement, including:
1) Internal Factors
Internal factors are
factors that come from within students, which consists of:
Factors of intelligence
In a narrow sense
intelligence can be defined as the ability to achieve achievement. Intelligence
plays an important role in achieving achievement.
Interest factors
Interest is a strong
tendency in a person to feel attracted to a certain.
Physical and psychological factors
Physical state
related to the state of growth, physical health, state of the sense devices and
so forth. The psychic state is related to the mental state of the student.
2) External factors
External factors are
factors from the outside of the learners themselves that affect learning
achievement. There are several external factors:
Teacher Factor
Master's duty to
guide, train, cultivate, research, develop and organize teaching and learning
Family environmental factors
The family is very
influential on the progress of learning achievement, because most of the time
the students have at home. So there is plenty of opportunity to study at home.
Parents involvement
should be taken into account in the effort to maintain the motivation to learn
pesera students. In a study of learning achievement, found a strong
relationship between parental involvement and learning achievement (Haster in
Suwatra 2007).
Factor source of learning
resources can be media or learning aids and supporting material. Learning aids
are all tools that can be used to help students learn. Learning will be more
interesting, concrete, easy to understand, save time and energy and the results
are more meaningful.
line with the above opinion, Dimyati Mahmud (1989: 84-87), said that the
factors that influence student achievement include: "internal factors and
external factors". as follows :
factors or Factors derived from students is a factor that comes from within the
student itself, which consists of N. Ach (Need For Achievement) is the need or
encouragement or motive to berPrestasi. These factors include motivation,
attention to the ongoing subject, level of remission and material reminders,
the ability to apply what is learned, the ability to reproduce and the ability
to generalize. Other internal factors are: a. Physiology in the form of
physical condition and condition of the senses, b. Psychology in the form of
talent, interest, intelligence, motivation and cognitive abilities.
factors are factors that come from outside the learner. This can be a means of infrastructure,
environmental situation be it family environment, school and community
environment. In Rooijakkers's opinion translated by Soenoro (1982: 30), says
that "Factors that affect Learning Achievement are factors derived from
the learner, factors derived from the teacher". This external factor is a
factor that comes from outside the student (student) which includes: a. Natural
environment and social environment; B. Instrumentation in the form of
curriculum, teacher or teacher, facilities and facilities and administration.
from inside
external factors include the ability to build a relationship with the learner,
the ability to move the interest of the lesson, the ability to explain, the
ability to mention the subject matter taught, the ability to direct attention
to the ongoing lesson, the ability to respond to the reaction. From Rooijakkers
opinion about the factors that influence Student Learning Achievement can be
given the conclusion that Student achievement is influenced by two factors that
are factors derived from the student self and factors derived from the teacher
some of the opinions of experts mentioned above it can be concluded that
Achievement belaajr students are generally influenced by two factors namely the
first factor comes from within the student itself and the second factor comes
from outside the students who are doing the learning process.
line with the above Slameto (2003: 54-72) also revealed that the factors that
affect Learning Achievements of many kinds, but can be classified into two,
a) Internal factors are factors that exist within the
individual who is studying, internal factors consist of: 1) Physical factors
(health and disability). Psychological factors (intelligence, attention,
interest, talent, motive, maturity and readiness); 2) fatigue factor
b) External factors, ie factors from outside the
individual. External factors consist of: 1) Family factors (how to educate
parents, relationships between family members, home atmosphere, family economic
situation, understanding of parents, and cultural background). 2) School
factors (teacher teaching method, curriculum, teacher relation with student,
student relation with student, school discipline, learning tool, school time,
learning standard above measure, building condition, learning method and home
duty 3) Community factors In society, mass media, social friends, and community
life forms).
(in Sukiaiyana 2003) states that student achievement is influenced by several
factors, namely: materials to be studied, environmental factors, instrumental
factors, and student conditions.
opinion is supported by the opinion expressed by Suryabrata, (in Surya Wijaya
2009) which suggests that the factors that influence student achievement are:
1) External factors consisting of environmental factors
and instrumental factors.
2) The inner factor consisting of physiology (interest,
talent, intelligence, motivation, and cognitive ability).
Muhibbin Syah (2006: 144) revealed that that Student Learning Achievement is
influenced by at least three factors namely:
a. Internal factors are factors that exist within the
individual who is studying, internal factors consist of: 1) Physical factors
that include health and disability of the body; 2) Psychological factors that
include the level of intelligence, attention, interest, talent, motive,
maturity and readiness; And 3) fatigue factor.
b. External factors, ie factors from outside the individual.
External factors consist of: 1) Family factors that is how to educate parents,
relationships between family members, home atmosphere, family economic
situation, understanding of parents, and cultural background; 2) Factors of
school environment that is teaching method of teacher, curriculum, teacher
relation with student, student relation with student, school discipline,
learning tool, school time, learning standard above measure, building
condition, learning method and home duty; 3) Community factors ie student
activities in the community, mass media, friends mingle, and life forms of
c. Factors approach approach to learning (approach to
learning), namely the type of student learning efforts that include strategies
and methods used by students to conduct learning activities lesson materials.
on the above opinion obtained the conclusion that the learning achievement is
not only influenced by students but also by factors from outside the student
the target of learning is an important concept in the learning process.
Theoretically the target of learning includes three aspects: developing
knowledge, attitude and skill. But in reality it is not a separate thing at
all. Therefore it is not possible to develop these aspects together in a
learning unit.
research Emrizal Amri in Yani Setyowati (2002: 22) suggests, there are three
types of learning achievement, namely:
1) Total learning achievement, ie student success rate in
learning as a whole. This achievement reflects the ability of the students to
recall facts and concepts and to understand the relationship between a fact
with another, a concept with other concepts, and to understand the connection
between facts and other facts. It is detected through the student's speed rate
answering all questions in each unit of lessons that have been discussed.
2) Learning achievement considering facts and concepts,
namely the level of success of students studying a subject, especially in
aspects of remembering facts and concepts. This achievement is a reflection of
the students' ability to recall. This is measured by answering a factual
3) Achievement learn to understand facts and concepts,
namely the success of students studying a subject especially in aspects of
understanding facts and concepts.This is reflected through the ability of
students understand.
to Bloom in Dimyati and Mudjiono (2006: 26-27) classify learning achievement in
three domains, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Learning
achievement in the cognitive domain consists of six categories: knowledge,
understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
1) Knowledge, achieving the memory capacity of what has
been learned and stored in the memory. The relationship between facts and
subject concepts. It is detected through the success of answering tests in the
aspect of understanding. Knowledge is concerned with facts, events,
understandings, rules, theories, principles, or methods.
2) Understanding, including the ability to capture
meaning and meaning of what has been learned 3) Application, including the
ability to apply methods and rules to deal with real and new problems, for
example using the principle
4) The analysis, including the ability to break down a
unity into parts so that the overall structure can be well understood, for
example reducing the problem to a smaller part.
5) Synthesis, including the ability to form a new
pattern, such as the ability to develop a work program
6) Evaluation, including the ability to form an opinion
about some things based on certain criteria, such as the ability to assess the
results of the essay.
six types of behavior above are hierarchical, meaning that knowledge behavior
is low, and the evaluation behavior is the highest.
domain consists of five behaviors, namely acceptance, participation, assessment
and determination of attitudes, organization, and the formation of lifestyle.
1) Acceptance, which includes sensitivity about certain
things and willingness to pay attention to it, for example the ability to
recognize dissent.
2) Participation, which includes willingness, willingness
to pay attention, and participate in an activity, such as obeying the rules,
and participate in an activity.
3) Assessment and attitude determination, which includes
accepting a value, respecting, acknowledging, and determining attitudes. For
example, accept an opinion of others
4) Organization, which includes the ability to form
a value system as a guide and a handle of life. For example, placing value on a
scale of values and used as a guide to act responsibly.
5) The formation of lifestyle, which includes the ability
to live up to values and shaping it into a pattern of personal life value.
For example, the ability to consider and demonstrate disciplined action.
five types of behaviors appear to contain overlap and also contain cognitive
abilities. The five types of behavior are hierarchical. Recognition behavior is
the type of behavior of the lowest behavior and the behavior of lifestyle
formation is the highest kind of behavior.
to Simpson in Dimyati and Mudjiono (2006: 29-30) divides the psychomotor domain
into seven types of behavior, namely: perception, preparedness, guided
movement, accustomed movements, complex movements, adjustment of movement
patterns, and creativity.
1) Perceptions, which include the ability to sort
(specifically) discriminate things, and be aware of these distinctive
differences. For example color sorting, numbers 6 (six) and 9 (nine).
2) Readiness, which includes the capability of placement
in situations where there will be a movement or series of movements. This
ability includes both physical and spiritual. For example the start position
race run.
3) Guided movements, including the ability to
perform the movement according to the example, or motion imitation. For example
imitating the motion of dance, making a circle on the pattern.
4) Movement that is familiar, includes the ability
to do gerakangerakan without examples. For example doing a high jump with the
5) Complex movement, which includes the ability to
perform movements or skills consisting of many stages, smoothly, efficiently,
and precisely. For example, dismantle pairs of equipment appropriately.
6) Adjustment of movement patterns, including the
ability to make changes and adjust the pattern of gestures to the applicable
special requirements. For example competing skills.
7) Creativity, including the ability to give birth to new
patterns of motion on the basis of its own initiative. For example the ability
to create a new creations dance.
seven types of behavior contain a sequence of skill levels in series. These
capabilities are sequences of phases in hierarchical motor learning. Learning
various motion abilities can begin with the sensibilities of sorting through to
the creativity of new motion patterns. This shows that psychomotor abilities
include physical and mental abilities.
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