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process of learning is now expected to apply the characteristics of learning
21st century. This is to address the demands of an increasingly competitive
era. The 21st century learning reflects four things.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Creativity and Innovation
this character, learners are required to understand, manage, and create
effective communication in various forms and contents in oral, written, and
multimedia. Learners are given the opportunity to use their ability to express
their ideas, either during discussions with friends and when solving problems
from educators.
21st century is a digital century. Communication is done across state borders
using increasingly sophisticated technological devices. The internet is very
helpful to humans in communicating. Currently so much social media is used as a
means to communicate. Through its smartphone, in a matter of seconds, humans
can easily connect to the rest of the world.
Big Indonesian Dictionary, the meaning of communication is the sending and
receiving of messages or news from two or more people so that the intended
message can be understood. While Wikipedia states that communication is "a
process whereby a person or multiple people, groups, organizations, and society
creates, and uses information to connect with the environment and others".
can not be separated from the interaction between the two parties.
Communication requires art, should know with whom to communicate, when it is
appropriate to communicate, and how to communicate well. Communication can be
done either orally, in writing, or through symbols understood by the parties
communicating. Communication is done in diverse environments, starting at home,
school, and community. Communication can be a means of getting closer to human
relationships, but it can be a source of problems when miscommunication or
communication is not working well. Mastery of language becomes very important
in communicating. Communication that goes well can not be separated from the
mastery of good language between communicator and communicant.
activities is a very strategic means to train and improve students'
communication skills, both communication between students with teachers, and
communication between students. When students respond to teacher explanations,
ask questions, answer questions, or express opinions, it is a communication.
this character, learners demonstrate their abilities in teamwork and
leadership, adapt in various roles and responsibilities, work productively with
others, place empathy in place, respect for different perspectives. Learners
also exercise personal responsibility and personal flexibility, at work, and
community relations, setting and achieving high standards and goals for
yourself and others, tolerating ambiguity.
in groups, cooperatively train students to collaborate and cooperate. It is
also to instill social skills and control ego and emotion. Thus, through
collaboration will create togetherness, ownership, responsibility, and caring
among the members.
is not only interpreted as an individual success, but also a success together,
because basically human besides as an individual, also a social creature. Today
many people are intellectually intelligent, but less able to work in teams,
less able to control emotions, and have a high ego. This will certainly hinder
the path to success, because according to the results of research Harvard
University, one's success is determined by 20% hard skill and 80% soft skiil.
Collaboration is a description of someone who has soft skills that mature.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
this character, learners strive to provide logical reasoning in understanding
and making complex choices, understanding the interconnections between systems.
Learners also use the ability they have to try to solve the problems they face
independently, learners also have the ability to compose and disclose, analyze,
and solve problems.
activities are designed to make this happen through the application of a
scientific approach (5M), problem-based learning, problem solving, and
project-based learning.
should not be uncomfortable or disturbed when there are students who are
critical, ask questions, and often give opinions. It is as a form of curiosity
high. What teachers need to do is give free and responsible opportunities to
each student to ask questions and express opinions. The teacher invites
students to conclude and make reflection together. Questions at the HOTS level
and open answers also serve as a form of accommodating students' critical
thinking skills.
Creativity and Innovation
this character, learners have the ability to develop, implement, and convey new
ideas to others, be open and responsive to new and different perspectives.
need to open space to students to develop their creativity. Develop a culture
of appreciation to the slightest role or achievement of students. It aims to
motivate students to keep improving their achievement. Of course we remember
with Mr. Tino Sidin, who filled the show drawing or painting on TVRI so many
years ago. He always said "good" to whatever conditions the work of
his students. It needs to be copied by the teachers of today to make students
feel valued.
role of the teacher only as a facilitator and guide each student in learning,
because basically every student is unique. This is consistent with that
conveyed by Howard Gardner that humans have multiple intelligences. There are
eight types of multiple intelligences, namely; (1) the intelligence of
language, (3) musical intelligence, (4) kinesthetic intelligence, (5)
visual-spatial intelligence, (6) intrapersonal intelligence, (7) interpersonal
intelligence, and (8) Naturalist intelligence.
how is the role of school? The role of schools in applying 21st century learning
includes: a) Improving school policies and plans to develop new skills; B)
Develop new curriculum guidance; C) Implement new and relevant teaching
strategies, and d) Establish school partnerships at regional, national and
international levels
are the characteristics of the 21st century teacher? According to Ragwan
Alaydrus, S. There are at least 7 Characteristics of the 21st Century Teachers
1. Life-long learner. Lifelong learners. Teachers need to
upgrade their knowledge by reading and discussing with other teachers or asking
experts. There is never a word satisfied with the existing knowledge, because
times are constantly changing and teachers are up to date in order to be able
to assist students according to their needs.
2. Creative and innovative. Creative students are born
from creative and innovative teachers. Teachers are expected to be able to
utilize variations of learning resources to organize activities in the
3. Optimizing technology. One feature of the 21st century
learning model is blended learning, a combination of traditional face-to-face
methods and the use of digital and online media. In 21st century learning,
technology is not something that is additional, even mandatory.
4. Reflective. Reflective teachers are teachers who are
able to use assessment of learning outcomes to improve their teaching quality.
Reflective teachers know when their teaching strategies are less than optimal
to help students achieve learning success. There are many teachers who have
never been sensitive even after teaching for years that their approach does not
match the learning style of the students. The reflective teacher is able to
correct his approach to fit the needs of the students, rather than continue to
blame students' ability to absorb learning
5. Collaborative. This is one of the uniqueness of 21st
century learning. Teachers can collaborate with students in learning. There is
always mutual respect and warmth so that learning will be more fun. In
addition, teachers also build collaborations with parents through active
communication in monitoring child development.
6. Applying student centered. This is one of the keys in
today's classroom learning. In this case, students have an active role in
learning so that teachers only act as facilitators. Therefore, in the 21st
century class the lecture method is no longer popular to apply because it
relies more on one-way communication between teacher and student.
a differentiation approach. In applying this approach, the teacher will design
the class based on the student's learning style. Grouping of students in the
classroom also based on their interests and abilities. In assessing teachers
apply formative assessment by assessing students on a regular basis based on
performance (not just a written test). Not only that, teachers and students try
to organize the class to become a safe and supportive environment for learning.
how is the competence of students in the 21st century? There are at least four
that must be owned by the 21st century generation, namely: ways of thingking,
ways of working, tools for working and skills for living in the word. How an
educator should design learning that will deliver students to meet the needs of
the 21st century. Here is the ability of the 21st century should be possessed
learners, namely:
1. Way of thinking, the way of thinking is some ability
to think that must be mastered learners to face the 21st century world. The
ability to think is among others: creative, critical thinking, problem solving,
decision making and learners.
2. Ways of working. Ability of how they should work. With
a global world and a digital world. Some of the abilities that must be mastered
by learners is communication and collaboration. The 21st century generation
must be able to communicate well, using various methods and communication
strategies. It should also be able to collaborate and work with individuals and
communities and networks. This communication and cooperation network utilizes
ICT-based ways, methods and strategies. How one should be able to work together
with different abilities.
3. Tools for working. One must have and master the tools
to work. Mastery of Information and communications technology (ICT) and
information literacy is a must. Without ICT and other resource-based sources of
information, it is difficult for a person to develop his work.
4. Skills for living in the world. Ability to live life
in the 21st century, namely: Citizenship, life and career, and personal and
social responsibility. How learners should live as citizens, life and careers,
and personal and social responsibilities.
21st century learning, there are two core skills to be developed by teachers:
a) Ability to use mathematical knowledge, English, Science, Citizenship and
others to respond to real-world challenges; And b) Critical thinking and
problem solving, communication and cooperation, creativity, independence, and
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